Ultrafast Dynamics Research

Latest News

  • Sep-2024 : 🎉 👏 Congratulation to Bhavya for succesfully defending her PhD!
  • Jul-2024 : 🎉 👏 Congratulation to Mahmudul for successfully defending his PhD!
  • June-2024 : Cuong, Jackson, and Lauren are particiating Ultrafast X-ray Summer School (UXSS2024). Have fun! 😊
  • May-2024 : 🤩 Our movie of molecular dynamics (o-nitrophenol) has been released. Check it out here.
  • May-2024: 🎉 👏 Congratulation to Yibo for successfully defending his PhD!

Research News

o-nitrophenol image

Tracking the relaxation pathway upon photoexcitation of o-nitrophenol using Ultrafast Electron Diffraction

The experiment directly revealed the photo-relaxation dynamics of o-nitrophenol by using Ultrafast Electron Diffraction. The structural transformation, the photoproducts formation, and the timescale of the dynamics are all captured. The process involves intramolecular proton transfer, resulting in the loss of molecular planarity, which facilitates a conical intersection between the excited state and ground state. These findings shed light on our understanding of photo reactivity and the underlying reaction mechanisms.

More on this interesting work can be found here.


Ultrafast Diffractive Imaging reveals coherent motion that persists after the molecule relaxes to the ground state

We have observed, experimentally and theoretically, the dynamics that result from bond-breaking in a complex molecule. We determined the structure of a short-lived intermediate state and followed the coherent motion of the atoms that continues after molecule relaxes to the electronic ground state.

Read the full publication describing the results


Dissociation of Iodine from C2F4I2 molecule. Wanna see our full video? Check it our here in the supplemental material.

CF3I conical intersection

Relaxation pathway of CF3I molecule via the conical intersection. Credit also to SLAC-Stanford University. 

Imaging CF3I conical intersection and photodissociation dynamics with ultrafast electron diffraction

Our results on imaging a nuclear wavepacket dynamics at conical intersections have been published in Science

More information is available on the news  and publications  pages.

Read the Nebraska today press release and highlight from Science.

Yang, Centurion and team featured in APS Physics and Office of Science Highlights

With an ultrafast “electron camera” at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, we have made the first direct snapshots of atomic nuclei in molecules. The news was featured on the front page of APS' Physics website and in several press releases.

APS Physics Viewpoint

Read the SLAC Press Release

Read the Nebraska Today Press Release


Capturing wavepacket of Iodine molecule. Credit to SLAC news for highlighting this work.

A zoomed in picture at molecular motion.

Department of Energy Basic Energy Sciences Highlight

Our recent results on Femtosecond Electron Diffraction have been chosen as a Science Highlight "Capturing Molecular Motion with Relativistic Electrons" by the Department of Energy – Basic Energy Sciences.

Read the BES Highlight

Physicists use electrons to record more 'frames' of atomic motion

We have finally achieved femtosecond resolution in electron diffraction from molecules in the gas phase. The experiments were done at SLAC with a relativistic electron gun. The results were picked up by several news agencies. More about this work can be found here.

Read the Nebraska Today Press Release

Nitrogen rotational wavepacket

Temporal evolution of Nitrogen rotational wavepacket upon photo-induced molecular alignment.

Electron diffraction pattern

Ultrafast imaging of isolated molecules with electron diffraction

The Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics published a Topical Review of "Ultrafast imaging of isolated molecules with electron diffraction" in February 2016.

Read the review on Digital Commons

SPIE Features "Sub-picosecond imaging of short-lived molecular structures"

In an article for the International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE), we discussed the ultrafast electron diffraction and femtosecond laser pulses behind our research and how it can lead to unprecedented areas of imaging resolutions.

SPIE Newsroom

Ultrafast electron diffraction image of CS2 molecule, similar to that of the molecule's ground state.